Where is the justice for nature?

5 min readMay 26, 2019

I have always wanted to write about nature because I think nature deserves a voice to speak out against serious abuse like today.


What has been happening to our nature, our climate and our earth is our inhumane acts. Scientists warn about the destruction of nature is as dangerous as climate change. According to UN report this year, 1 million species are at risk of extinction. Therefore, nature abuse has been leading to global warming.

No more home for polar bears

Lots of people, from individuals to organisations, have spoken about global warming, climate change and destruction of nature. We all know about it and how drastically it has been happening this year 2019. From coral reefs, to ocean species facing pollution of chemicals, oils and plastics. From rain-forests, to jungles facing the desiccation due to deforestation. We, human, have taken away many homes of animals. We are loosing, not winning. Actually, our human society is in great jeopardy from the accelerating decline of the earth’s natural life-support systems.

Whales dying from plastics

Nature is being destroyed hundreds of times higher than the average over the past 10 million years, according to the UN global assessment report.

Plastic pollution, deforestation, air pollution, chemical dump, over-fishing, meat consumption, population growth, etc. have killed our planet. The world is facing all those nightmares which requires solutions from every country’s government to stand against pollution and nature destruction. The sooner we realise how dangerous our lives is facing, the quicker we can act together to prevent the loss and slow down global warming as well as climate change.

Our nature is crying…

We all stand up for our own rights when they’re being abused. Then, who will stand up for our nature if we, human, are the one who have abused it?

It is time to wake up and realise your responsibility towards nature as a living creature on earth as well as the future generation. Thus, what can we do to save the earth?

Here are the things that I think each of us can do to make a change in our daily lives.

Reduce the daily plastic use

Replace plastic straws with bamboo or paper straws. Try not to use plastic bags when shopping. You can bring your own reusable shopping bag to carry stuffs, and your own water bottle to fill up.

Divide the trash and dispose it right. I know this is quite difficult to do in Vietnam as the government has not have the policy to call action for trash division. However, you can start doing it as an example for other people to follow. Instead of waiting for government, you can literally make a new change as long as it is good and cause no harm.

Plant more trees

Trees provide food and oxygen. They save energy, clean the air and help combat the climate change. If you have a garden or even just a balcony, why not plant more trees and flowers? It makes your house more beautiful as well as you are doing a great thing by creating more green around.


Volunteer for cleanups and trees planting in your community.

Raise your voice, spread the words and make an impact to create a better change for our environment.

Reduce — Reuse — Recycle

Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the 3 Rs to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

Don’t send chemicals into waterways!

Choose nontoxic chemicals in your home and office. Try to reduce the chemicals dump through the drain and the amount of water you use.

Save the energy!

Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also, switch off the light when you leave the room.

Open windows or close them to adjust the heat instead of using air conditioners always.

Bike more, drive less

Stop wasting food!

Never waste food as it is precious made with natural resources.

Use paper on both sides

Make use of scrap paper whenever possible.

Protect wildlife and animals

Stand against animal trading. Stop buying products made out of animals such as: leather skin bags, belts, shoes, jackets, scarfs, etc. Participate in programs of reforesting to create homes for animals.


When you further your own education, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.

Those small changes above together will create a big positive change for our nature. Instead of getting panic, we should focus on action now to change our life habits for a better world. Think about our future generations and start making a change to save the earth.

So, where is the justice for nature?

Well, it’s in our hands! Raise your voice and spread the words!

Because our nature is what we all have in common…

If you read this blog till the end, thank you very much. I hope you will help me share it to your friends so that we are all on the same page and start making a better change for our nature.




A fearless mind in an adventurous soul with a loving heart for nature, people and life.